Sunday, February 18, 2007

What is K??

I vividly remember the incident that Krishnan is talking about, but I can't for the life of me remember if it really happened. Is this another school legend? - like the one where the Govt official walks in and insists that people open the windows and let the environment come in, or the CS teacher who said that he had two daughters, both of whom were girls.

But Krishnan nails his imitations of Ajoe and Salim sir. Ajoe'd always adjust his tie when called upon, and Mr. Salim did talk (and stand) exactly like that.

Ah good times. He did a pretty good Kookie too.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

One day...

...I'm going to open a restaurant. I don't know what the cuisine would be, I don't know if I'd be the cook, but... day I'm going to open a restaurant.

Friday, February 16, 2007

They don't always get it right

From the Stanford Daily:

Feb 17, 2000:
Four years before Facebook, a study co-authored by Norman Nie, professor of political science, showed that high Internet usage reduced social interactions.
“‘The results, which have already been publicized ad nauseum, largely boil down to a single discovery: the more time Stanford students spend online, the less time they spend doing other things,’ wrote Daily columnist Paul Kerschen a week later. ‘To which the appropriate response is, well, duh.’”

Nano City

Hotmail founder, Sabeer Bhatia, was at Stanford recently where he outlined his vision for Nano City - the most carefully manufactured settlement this side of Disneyland. The organizers of the event didn't do themselves much favors however, when they sent out an email announcing the event and the location, but neglected to mention the time!

The article in the Stanford Report talks about his plans to develop and finance the city, but omitted the point he kept stressing on during the entire talk - many previous attempts at building techno parks and providing infrastructure for tech firms in the hope that it would lead to an economic boom have fallen flat. This is because in India today, companies must chase employees. There is a surfeit of jobs and nowhere near enough well qualified people to do them. Bhatia was of the opinion that unless you made a place attractive for young people to live, there was no way these firms could survive.

It's a rather interesting change to the old adage - if you build it, they will come. Now you must entice the workers, provide them a sustainable and engaging environment, and then the companies will follow suit.

15 years down the line, we'll see if he's thought this through.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

New Comedian on the block

Stanford proof that Jesus is Indian:
Fact: Indians hate to spend, so they save a lot
Fact: Jesus saves
=> Jesus is Indian!

Check out the new desi comic on the scene - Samson Koletkar. The dude's an Indian Jew with the thickest accent possible, and funny as shit.

Comedy Night Gem - 2

"Wouldn't it be ironic if Mexicans bought their books from Borders?"

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Hail human imagination. I need to pimp my wife? No problem.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Let he without blame....

I'd pointed earlier to my presence on Wikipedia. Observe the post that comes right after. The author complains bitterly about the lack of grammar in his college newspaper, yet his two line tirade is littered with incorrect usage of the word "its" and of course the pet fav - "your" for "you're".

Friday, February 02, 2007

More Nutiness

You can really tell how busy the other interns were. Tho I do think it was a rather decent flick. Check out the second comment.