Me Ugh.....Me Man
The Associated Press has a story about Big Brother services that provide surrogate fathers to kids whose dads are overseas fighting in wars. A commendable effort and another mark of this country's attempts to take care of its own people.
What caught my eye in the story was this line:
"'I've seen grown men actually ... giving each other a bear hug,' the principal says."
In the day of the metrosexual, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and men on screen coming to terms with expressing their emotions (Tom Cruise on Oprah anyone?) are we still so GI-Joe warped that marines hugging each other merits astonishment?
I'm stalking you says:
Yes, we are that GI-Joe warped that marines hugging each other merits astonishment...because it has been accepted that a species known as homosexuals exist among us and us heteros are afraid we might catch their 'germs'... unlike India, where pairs of the same gender can hold hands and walk together is astonishing to us because according to a majority of Indians, 'homos' can only be see, who's worse off? Us Americans who are afraid of marines being gay because our innocent reality of only heterosexual people existing has been brutally shattered...or Indians, who are still in denial about homosexuals only inhabiting white bodies?
Typical that a comment such as that one would be made by an someone who doesn't care to leave their name :)
Anyhoo...I've returned to India for the entire summer after a long time and in the past week have had the chance to really observe this phenomenon. When a few years ago a friend told me that when he visited India he noticed guys walking hand in hand, I laughed at him. It is actually true, tho. But my personal take on the matter is that it is normal in Indian culture to show affection for other men, be it a hug, hands around a shoulder or walking down the street holding hands. It does not necessarily mean homosexuality.
And for Mr. Anon, there is a very large proportion of gay men in India. There is no such denial that this 'disease' only inhabits white bodies. Anyhow, if it is accepted, like you say, that gays are a part of society, why still the fear? And an irrational fear at that, that straight people may catch the germ? And if you are, like I imagine, a god fearing, gun loving, Bush adoring, Bible thumping republican then I've long given up trying to argue with the likes. If not, I sincerely appologise for making such sweeping assumptions about you :)
Krishna, the first post was in jest
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